Hiring a consultant to support the Ministry of Health in the preparation of the National Strategy of Digital Health, of the operational plan and the monitoring and assessment plan

Hiring a consultant to support the Ministry of Health in the preparation of the National Strategy of Digital Health, of the operational plan and the monitoring and assessment plan

Home | Concursos | Hiring a consultant to support the Ministry of Health in the preparation of the National Strategy of Digital Health, of the operational plan and the monitoring and assessment plan


Hiring a consultant to support the Ministry of Health in the preparation of the National Strategy of Digital Health, of the operational plan and the monitoring and assessment plan

Projeto ID



Serviço de consultória - Seleção individual



Estado Anúncio


Data Publicação

02 fevereiro, 2024



Data Encerramento

2024-06-24 00:00:00

Estado Concurso


Contract Award Notice EOI 020

Data Publicação 09 julho, 2024
Ref: EOI – 020/COVID19/UGPE/2024

Contract Award Notice EOI 020

tipo : Contract Award Notice

Clarification #1 EOI 020

Data Publicação 07 fevereiro, 2024
Ref: Ref: EOI – 020/COVID19/UGPE/2024

Clarification #1 EOI 020

tipo : Esclarecimento

Terms of Reference EOI 020

Data Publicação 02 fevereiro, 2024
Ref: EOI – 020/COVID19/UGPE/2024

Terms of Reference EOI 020

tipo : TDR

Request for Expression of Interest EOI 020

Data Publicação 02 fevereiro, 2024
Ref: EOI – 020/COVID19/UGPE/2024

Request for Expression of Interest EOI 020

tipo : Manifestação de Interesse

Informações do Contrato

Data Assinatura Duração Adjudicatário Valor final do contrato
24/06/2024 4 (four) months Lincoln de Assis Moura Jr $54,400.00 USD

Obs: As informações do contrato são disponibilizadas após encerramento do concurso e assinatura do contrato.
